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Just Because His Star Wars Collection Was Destroyed This Man Killed His Wife

Maybe this man is in love with the characters in the Star Wars films, how not only because his collection of Star Wars figure toys was damaged by his wife, he had the heart to kill her.

Then the man named Rickie La-Touche (30 years old) was given the appropriate reward, finally in the trial the judge decided to sentence him to life imprisonment, an unreasonable reason was then conveyed through the trial.

According to him, he was very upset with the behavior of his wife who had destroyed several of his Star Wars toy collections, which he thought were very valuable and very dear to him.

Rickie La-Touche, image via nydailynews.com

As reported by mirror.co.uk, Rickie told the court that his Thai wife, Pornpilai Srisroy (28 years), had damaged several of his valuable collections, namely Darth Vader and Luke Sywalker figures which he said had special memories.

Because of this, Rickie strangled his wife to death. After killing Rickie, he ran and cried to his mother, who lived close to him.

Rickie also told the Police that he had several fights with his wife, then his wife said "Will make his life like hell", and his wife also threatened to return to Thailand to him.

Rickie's initial introduction to his wife was told that they met at a bar when he was on vacation to Bangkok in 2001, and then they got married on Rickie's 4th visit to Thailand in 2003.

Pornpilai Srisroy, image via mirror.co.uk

Precisely in April this couple then had a big fight in the morning, due to his wife destroying her favorite collection, until finally the murder occurred.

In an interview with the Police, Rickie's frustration could not be contained because his wife destroyed some of his favorite collections that he had collected since he was a child and also the collections were quite expensive.

"My wife is from Thailand and she kept threatening to leave me, she also said she would make my life hell," said Rickie.

“He said that before. I can't let that happen again. I then just remember getting up from above him. I think I strangled him.”

Rickie briefly denied the murder, but eventually pleaded guilty to the murder. The autopsy results said that his wife died from lack of oxygen.

The senior officer investigating the case, Andy Tattersall, of Greater Manchester Police, said after the hearing: "Unfortunately, we may never know exactly what happened that morning but I think Rickie's reasons are reasons to defend himself".

"He now has to live the rest of his life with terrible experiences in prison, he must be held responsible for killing his wife.", he said

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