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The Mystery of the Blue Eyed Inland Tribe in Maluku and Southeast Sulawesi

In Indonesia, which has many races, tribes and cultures spread across the island from Sabang to Merauke, their racial and ethnic diversity turns out to have a unique history and story, one of which is a tribe in the interior of Indonesia which is unique in terms of both physical and cultural aspects. .

Some of these races and cultural tribes, there are several tribes that have quite unique physiques, including those with blue eyes and blonde hair, even though they belong to a fairly primitive tribe and also live in the interior of the forest, what's the story, follow here

1. Blue Eyed Tribe in Halmahera Forest Interior
image via indocropcircles.wordpress.com

In a remote wilderness area in Halmahera, located in the province of North Maluku, Indonesia, there lives a quite unique tribe, this tribe is called the Lingon Tribe.

The Lingon tribe can be said to be quite a mysterious tribe, and also about the origin of its existence is still full of question marks

Physically, the Lingon tribe does not belong to the Weddoid, Malanesian, Polynesian or Mongolod races, like the average tribe that lives in the Halmahera region and also in Southeast Asia in general.

When examined carefully, this tribe belongs to the Caucasoid race, which is the race of most of the Europeans in general.

Physically, the Lingon tribe has the characteristics and posture of a tall body, white skin, blond hair and blue eyes, although there are also some of them who have slightly blackish hair.

But basically the Lingon tribe has a physical structure that is quite different from the people in Southeast Asia in general.

It is possible that the Lingon tribe is said to have come from the remnants of the Portuguese who fled and fled into the forest before the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

But there is another version that says that the lingon tribe came from the victims of the sinking of a ship who managed to save themselves and then settled in an inland.

According to the story about 300 years ago, there was a ship that came from Europe which then sank and sank near the waters of Halmahera, where a group of passengers managed to survive and then stranded on the island.

Finally, with minimal equipment, they could not return to their home country, and then built a settlement in East Halmahera.

From here then formed the forerunner of the Lingon Trebe tribe or commonly referred to as Lingon only.

When they were stranded and then settled in this area, it turned out that there were already other tribes who also inhabited the island, and finally there was a mixed marriage between them.

The population of this tribe is not known with certainty, and it is estimated that this tribe is almost extinct.

According to stories and also stories from the past, that in the past the Lingon Tribe often received threats and also disturbances from coastal tribes who were in coastal areas.

The threat comes from the Togutil tribe who live in coastal areas, they often try to kidnap girls from the Lingon tribe who look beautiful and beautiful like European girls.

There are also other tribes who think that the Lingon Tribe is a very dangerous tribe, because the Lingon Tribe is considered to like to eat raw meat and has magic, so that other tribes around feel threatened by the presence of the Lingon tribe.

Due to frequent conflicts and threats received by the Lingon tribe, they were forced to enter the deepest forest to avoid disturbance and threats from other tribes.

Then after they settled in the interior of the forest for hundreds of years, their original culture, which came from Europe, gradually began to fade and also change, they then adapted to the local culture which was almost primitive to this day, and until now the existence of the Lingon tribe is still a part of the community. unsolved mysteries.

2. The Blue Eyed Tribe of Buton, Southeast Sulawesi & West Aceh
Ariska Dala's photo - image via hipwee.com

It turns out that blue-eyed tribes are not only found in Halmahera, it turns out that in Buton there are also tribes that have blue eyes.

As reported by Good News From Indonesia, La Ode Yusrie told his story when he met a trader from Siompu Island, Southeast Sulawesi named Umar.

Yusrie said that at first he only wanted to research about culture by observing the forts in Siompu.

After meeting Umar, his focus changed, at which time Umar said that in one of the tribes in Southeast Sulawesi there were people with blue eyes.

Siompu is a sub-district that belongs to the South Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, this island can be reached in about 40 minutes by boat from Topa port, Baubah City.

According to Yusrie, on the island there are tribes of people who have blue eyes, where they live in a mountain in the village of Kaimbulawa which is quite far from the center of the East Siompu sub-district.

At first Yusrie thought that Umar's words were just a lie, but when he came himself to Kaimbulawa Village and then met a resident named Dala (50 years old) and also his son named Ariska Dala (15 years old) he just believed what was said. by Omar.

Dala works as an elementary school teacher in Waindawula Village, and she also works as a farmer. Yusrie now believes in Umar's words after meeting the two people directly.

According to Yusrie Dala, he has a stature similar to Europeans, with a tall, slender body, fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, as well as his son Ariska Dala.

Based on a story from Dala, the people of Siompu were friendly with the Portuguese in the 16th century.

"I know very little. Who exactly knows the history, my brother. He now lives in Ambon. And most of the blue-eyed communities here have moved to other areas, one of which is Ambon. Only a few are left and then choose to settle in Siompu, "said Dala, as reported by Kendari Pos.

image via solo.tribunnews.com

As Dala recounted that around the 1600s, the island of Siompu was indeed a stopover for seafarers from Europe, one of them from Portugal, and as a form of friendship between the people of Siompu and the Portuguese at that time, the Portuguese leader then married a girl from Siompu named Waindawula, the girl is the granddaughter of La Laja, where she is a Wolio noble.

According to Yusrie, from the results of his search, currently there are 3 clumps that still inherit their pigments from Portuguese descent, and most of them work as farmers.

“Actually, many were already mating or interbreeding with the Portuguese at that time. And their descendants also have many blue eyes. If he doesn't have blue eyes, usually his hair is blonde," said Dala.

In Kaimbulawa Village, there are currently about 10 blue-eyed people, including Dala and her child. While the other descendants have no blue eyes, but blonde hair and white skin.

The population in this village is about 20 families. And the distance between the houses there is far from each other. And they spend most of their time in the garden.

Not only on Siompu Island, a similar phenomenon is also present in Lamno, West Aceh, and the interior of the East Halmahera forest. You have to believe, Indonesia is rich

It turns out that the charm of the blue-eyed girl has also been in Lamno, West Aceh from the past until now, just as Dala said that those in Lamno are also descendants of the Portuguese who later landed there.

In the past, the owner of blue eyes in Lamno village was so easy to find, but now it is very rare, because this area is one of the areas affected by the 2004 Tsunami.

The charm of the blue-eyed girl is also known in Lamno, West Aceh from the past until now. Just as Dala said, those in Lamno are also descendants of the Portuguese who landed there. In the past, blue eye owners in Lamno were easy to find, but now the opposite is happening, because the area was one of those affected by the 2004 tsunami.

However, the diversity of ethnic groups as well as races and cultures in Indonesia must be maintained for the sake of their cultural heritage and survival at all times.

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